Stay connected throughout the year on CreateEnsemble.com, the official sponsor for Black Theatre Day.
Black Theatre Day or #BlackTheatreDay (September 17) is an annual day of solidarity and service, to celebrate and support 21st century Black theatres in their ongoing efforts to build sustainable, institutional wealth.
This year–with the leadership of The International Black Theatre Summit and The CRAFT Institute in collaboration with Project1Voice, Support Black Theatre, WACO Theatre Center, Birmingham Black Repertory Theatre Collective, Encore Theatre and Gallery, Black Agings Arts Theatre, The Black Rep, and Blackboard Plays (as well as IBTS Regional Representatives Dr. Sheila Bassoppo-Moyo, Sophina Brown, Garlia Cornelia Jones, CJ Bell and David H. Parker, Deen Rawlins-Harris,etc.)–participation more than tripled again with:
In Birmingham, AL, Encore Theatre’s Black Theatre Day Celebration and Performance on Sept 17th More info on IG here!
The St. Louis Black Rep and Dr. Sheila Bassoppo-Moyo’s celebration marking Sept 17th International Black Theatre Day at the Edison Theatre
In Los Angeles, Support Black Theatre launched their “Know and Sow” series on Instagram, which sheds light on some incredible Black theatres across the country.
BBRTC and Encore Theatre also launched the “Theatre is my Black Job” T-shirt to celebrate the anniversaries of their organizations and have launched a special edition Black Theatre Day style! It’s not too late to get that Black theatre merch and support Black theatre organizations!
Erich McMillan-McCall and Project1Voice initiated the process for the Black Theatre Day proclamation made by the Borough of Manhattan to declare September 17 Black Theatre Day
Dr. Eve Graves (Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, GA), Dr. Eunice Ferreira (Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY), and Dr. Jimmy Noreiga (Columbia College in Chicago, IL), Catherine M. Jacobs (Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH) and countless others for getting their students and academic departments involved in the fun
Stay connected throughout the year on CreateEnsemble.com, the official sponsor for Black Theatre Day.
More information on how to celebrate Black Theatre Day with The CRAFT Institute coming! For now, let us know you and/or your theater organization plan on celebrating by completing the form below.